Are interest rates going up? In this article you will find out how interest rates work and why they might keep going up or what it would take for them to come back down again.
There is no doubt about it. This raising of interest rates has come at blinding speed which no-one was quite ready for.
One reason why the reserve bank is raising rates is to reduce the cost of living (inflation) from continuing to rise at such high levels.
It is crucial to a healthy economy to keep inflation at manageable levels. Which for Australia, is around 3%. Currently inflation is at 7%.
As the only tool in the reserve banks arsenal, raising interest rates reduces inflation by two factors:
Rates will get getting higher if inflation stays high. There has been only a small effect on inflation with the recent rate rises. This has forced the RBA to keep raising them. The RBA will likely stop when either:
We will probably see rates fall when the economy starts to contract and people stop spending. Look at the graph below. We have seen rates fall every time that there is a recession and inflation is below 10%.
If you are stressed about your interest rate, it is important to know your options.
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