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The Hype Around AI Stocks – Is it Worth It?

The Hype Around AI Stocks – Is It Worth it? There is so much hype around how AI is going to change the world, so should we invest in it? Why is there hype in the first place? We’ve all heard about it and now we’re seeing it – the rise of AI in the […]

Quarterly Compass: Spring 2023

Quarterly Compass: Spring 2023 Spring has sprung in earnest which has brought a whole lot of change. We have been working hard at Wealtheon and Huxter Estate and are implementing a few big things that we are excited about launching in 2024. Some of these new launches I need to keep tightly wrapped but something […]

spring 2023

The Benefits of Paying Your Mortgage Fortnightly

The Benefits of Paying Your Mortgage Fortnightly – How much can it save you? When it comes to managing your mortgage, small changes can make a big difference. One strategy that has gained popularity among homeowners is paying their mortgage fortnightly, as opposed to the standard monthly payment. This approach can yield several benefits and […]

The Benefits of Paying Your Mortgage Fortnightly

What ChatGPT Thinks You Should Do With Your Money – Part 2

What ChatGPT Thinks You Should Do With Your Money – Part 2 AI is all over the news, our news feeds, and our conversations in general. Almost every industry is talking about AI and what it can do for us, so is the finance world any different? There are millions of different opinions when it […]

Quarterly Compass: The End To Low Volatility.

Quarterly Compass: The End To Low Volatility In the last 3 months a lot has happened. Our June Compass is always an interesting one because we get an opportunity to review the last financial year as a whole and the last financial year was a doozy, both good and bad. Things at here at Wealtheon […]

Quarterly Compass: The End To Low Volatility