
Mortgage Stress: Are you feeling the pressure?

What is mortgage stress? There are many different kinds of financial stress, and mortgage stress can be one of the most debilitating. Mortgage stress is defined as when you are spending more than 30% of your pre-tax income on your home loan – which is absolutely huge. Not being able to cover the cost of […]

Two Ridiculous Myths About The Financial Planning Industry

I have sat with literally HUNDREDS of people to specifically discuss financial planning over the last 6 years as an adviser and I have had thousands of conversations with people about planning and advice. There seems to be a massive disconnect between what people believe about financial advisers and planning in general and what it […]

Thou Shalt Invest For Growth

The 4th Commandment of our ’10 Financial Commandments Of A Wealtheon Client’ series. Only 7.9% of Aussies have investment properties and only 39% invest in listed equities (like shares). Tradies, Miners and FIFO, this needs to change! The only real way to create long term and long-lasting wealth is to invest in business and property. […]