
Tax Return Checklist

Tax Return Checklist We’re over the hump of the worst of winter and slowly creeping our way closer to spring. In central Vic, this means a lot of wet weather but glimpses of the warmth that might come our way soon! Now that June 30 is over and done with and we’re well into July, […]

What You Actually Need To Know Before June 30

What You Actually Need To Know Before June 30 In our industry everyone bangs on about the end of the financial year (which is nowhere near as exciting or celebratory as the end of the calendar year), but people are still confused about what they should actually be doing. This year, to make it as easy as […]

Quarterly Compass: The End To Low Volatility

What happens to your super when you die?

What Happens To Your Super When You Die? The macabre side of financial planning – it’s not just insurance cover that leads us down a morbid path in this business, it’s also your estate planning. Estate planning is a necessity whether we like it or not. Sometimes you just have to sit down and think […]

2024’s Key Dates To Keep On Top Of Your Financial Game

2024’s Key Dates To Keep On Top Of Your Financial Game New Year, new you! As we charge into 2024 refreshed and recharged from another festive season, now is a great time to get on the front foot and understand some key dates that will help you keep on top of your financial game for […]

The Benefits of Paying Your Mortgage Fortnightly

The Benefits of Paying Your Mortgage Fortnightly – How much can it save you? When it comes to managing your mortgage, small changes can make a big difference. One strategy that has gained popularity among homeowners is paying their mortgage fortnightly, as opposed to the standard monthly payment. This approach can yield several benefits and […]

The Benefits of Paying Your Mortgage Fortnightly